Educational videos are proving to be a didactic resource with a remarkable potential to improve learning. Therefore, the implementation of strategies that allow future teachers to elaborate quality educational videos should be present in initial training programs. For its elaboration, teachers must mobilize their specialized knowledge, whose suitability highly influences the educational quality of the video. This work presents a formative task based on the elaboration by student teachers of an educational video on statistics, probability or problem solving aimed at primary school students. Based on this experience, two research goals are proposed: to assess the designed educational videos using a rubric, and to analyze the interest of the formative task for the professional future of the student teachers through an online questionnaire. The results showed, on the one hand, a high representation of expository methods and deductive explanations, often accompanied by examples or contextualized situations. On the other hand, the student teachers showed a high interest in the task given its usefulness in terms of its applicability in their future teaching practice.
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