Keys to success of bilingual/CLIL programs in Asturias
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linguistic skills AICLE
destrezas lingüísticas

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Hompanera Lanzos, M. I. (2023). Keys to success of bilingual/CLIL programs in Asturias. Magister. Journal of Teacher Training and Educational Innovation, 35(1), 25–32.


The study reports the outcomes of a longitudinal research carried out with 1496 students of whom 651 are CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) students and 845 are Non-CLIL students in 27 public, private and charter schools across the Principality of Asturias. The main objective is to analyse the effects of CLIL on the development of the linguistic communicative competence in English as a foregin language (FL). The evolution of the linguistic development of both groups is traced along three years in the 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education through the administration of different official tests in reading, listening and writing skills. In addition to these intergroup comparisons, intragroup development is also examined to determine the evolution of both CLIL and Non- CLIL students in that level. In this case, the study follows a mixed-method approach regarding the data collection and analysis. This study shows the CLIL approach improves the linguistic communicative competence of students of English as a FL in the skills of reading, listening and writing.
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