The ability of teamwork as a research competence in teacher training: case study in a public university in Honduras
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Trabajo en equipo
formación profesorado
competencia investigadora
investigación cualitativa teamwork
teacher education
research competence
qualitative research

How to Cite

Brenes-Maltez, P. M., Iglesias-Martínez, M. J., Lozano-Cabezas, I., & Arroyo-Salgueira, S. (2023). The ability of teamwork as a research competence in teacher training: case study in a public university in Honduras. Magister. Journal of Teacher Training and Educational Innovation, 35(1), 33–40.


Teamwork is part of one of the transversal skills to be developed during teachers’ training process. Moreover, it constitutes one of the fundamental capacities needed by research teachers with reflective positions about their practices and professional interactions. This research aims to analyze students and teachers’ perceptions about the development of teamwork skills in teachers’ research training. From a mixed approach, with preeminence of qualitative methods, students and teachers’ of a Public University of Honduras narratives have been analyzed. The results show a variety of elements of an attitudinal order, situations of the socio-affective context and pedagogical conditions that were present during the development of collaborative teamwork as part of the training process in research. The already mentioned results have led to the conclusion that the implementation of the program for the development of research competence has had a favorable impact on the achievement of teamwork skills in trainee teachers.
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