Guidance on the use of Generative AI

Guidance on the use of Generative AI

Acceptance of this statement is mandatory if you wish to publish in the journal.  The editorial team of the journal is committed to review this policy on a regular basis to adapt to the challenges that may emerge with the latest advances in generative AI and its use in the development of academic publications. 

  1. Authorship of the article: Authors may not cite AI as author or co-author of submitted articles.
  1. Use of AI in the writing process: Authors may only use generative AI or AI-assisted technologies for the improvement of the language and readability of the article. In this case, authors must specify to the journal how they have made use of AI. If the article is published, the journal will state on the first page that the authors used AI to improve the language and/or readability of the article.The editorial team may reject an article if they have suspicions that the authors have used AI for editorial purposes in a way that they consider to be abusive. 
  1. Use of Language Multimodal Model (LMM) or Large Language Model (LLM) in the development of the article:Authors are responsible for the review and validity of the information generated by the AI.Authors must indicate and document the use of LLM or LMM in the Methods section.
  2. Use of AI-generated images and videos in the article:The use of AI-generated images and videos in articles is not allowed.
  1. Compliance with AI policy: In case of non-compliance with the AI policy, the journal may reject (pre-publication), retract (post-publication) or publish an editorial notice about the article.