Calendar of the first activities planned by ELR for the current year, in partnership with the host Universities and other Institutions, in the framework of the multiannual programme 2022-2025 of our Network, available at

Verona 13 April 2022

Fundamental Rights in the Mediterranean. Maritime dangers and navigation needs, from: S. Galeotti, Mare monstrum. Mare nostrum. Note in tema di 'pericula maris'e trasporto marittimo nella riflessione della giurisprudenza romana (I secolo a.C.-III secolo d.C.)

[edited by M.F. Merotto].

Pavia 23 June 2022

Lettura Romanistica - F. Scotti, Lana, linum, purpura, versicoloria. I legati "tessili" fra diritto romano e archeologia. Lucio De Giovanni discusses with the author [edited by V. Marotta, P. Giunti, P. Lambrini, L. Maganzani].

Lecce 24 September 2022 Conference on "Questioni di metodo", in collaboration with the "Cattedra Luraschi", Univ. Di Trento. [edited by F. Lamberti, M. Miglietta, A. Banfi].

Palermo 7 and 8 October 2022

Conference in memory of Prof. Pietro Cerami and presentation of the new section "Cerami" of the journal Legal Roots. [edited by M. Miceli, F. Giardini, T. dalla Massara] Rome (Univ. Roma Tre) 2nd and 3rd November 2022. ELR week - Confronto tra storici e comparatisti. [edited by T. dalla Massara, F. Giardini, M. Miceli].

Parma 1st and 2nd December 2022

I Convegno del Ciclo "Convegni Itineranti". Family relations, patrimonial transfers and social mobility between the Principality and the Late Empire: political, juridical and economic aspects. [edited by S. Puliatti].