XXIV Congreso Internacional y XXVII Congreso Iberoamericano de Derecho Romano, UPO SEVILA 29 A 31 MARZO2023

The next 29th to 31st March 2023 will be held at the Pablo Olavide University of Seville, Spain, the XXIV INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS AND XXVII IBERO-AMERICAN CONGRESS OF ROMAN LAW under the direction and coordination of D. BERNARDO PERIÑAN GÓMEZ, Professor of Roman Law and his team.

The chosen theme is: The subject of law in the Roman legal experience.

Registration is now open and ends on 28 February 2023. To register,  please fill in the registration form and send it to aidrom2023@upo.es.

Those who wish to present and defend a paper, should indicate their name, title, and university as soon as possible and stick to the theme of the conference.

On the website, in the Accommodation section, you will find the hotels with prices arranged for those attending the Congress.