The protection of vote freedom: from Rome to e-voting
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Voto por tablilla
leges tabellariae
legislación municipal
voto electrónico Ballot
leges tabellariae
municipal law

How to Cite

Azaustre, M. J. (2018). The protection of vote freedom: from Rome to e-voting. RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law, 1(21), 500–565. Retrieved from


This article studies the protection provided in the Roman legal system to the form of expression of the vote, as an example of constant search to improve electoral mechanisms in order to guarantee the secrecy of suffrage and the citizen’s freedom (in those periods, of course, in which he was called in any way to give his opinion in the decisions of the political community). These problems, which had taken place in Rome, have the highest importance nowadays, both at a national and international level, with regard to the new fronts presented around the use of e-voting, being these problems analyzed in the final part of the article..
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