This is the program «Ius Publicum. Jurisprudential Lexicon of Roman Public Law». It is an experiment that a team is conducting in the Faculty of Law of Sapienza-University of Rome. The target that we want to achieve with this program is the reconstruction of the jurisprudential lexicon concerning Roman public law. The lexicon is organized by lemmas. It collects texts, which can be ascribed to the scriptores of the scientia iuris, that contain those lemmas, selected in consideration of their relevance to the concept of ‘ius publicum’, as stated by Ulpianus in the first book of the ‘Institutions’.
F.Vallocchia, Informatica, diritto pubblico e giuristi romani, in Rivista Italiana di Informatica e Diritto (RIID), 2, 2021
F.Vallocchia, Ius publicum e prudentes. Per un lessico giurisprudenziale del diritto pubblico romano, in Bullettino dell’Istituto di Diritto Romano (BIDR), 115, 2021

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