This outstanding Collection, promoted by the director of the BOE at the request of the Ibero-American Association of Roman Law (AIDROM), forms a cultural heritage of great interest for any jurist and historian of legal science, showing in every one of its eleven volumes - some of them divided into volumes - the research presented over twenty-five years of national and international congresses of the AIDROM.

The methodology based on Dogmengeschichte as a way of initiating the study of Roman Law from the foundation of Rome to the current codification without leaps or selection of institutes that inspired Professor Fuenteseca and suggested to his disciples, together with the need to tackle the interpretation of positive rules based on the formulation of the legal institutes that have been created and articulated from the origins of Rome to the present day, is the background that guides the Ibero-American Association of Roman Law, whose members hold their annual congresses.

This Collection aims to continue to be expanded year after year so that it is not a closed block of studies; on the contrary, as has been done over the years, it will continue to be the aim of the AIDROM to highlight the historical evolution of the legal institutions in the different stages of their existence with the elements that have served to integrate them, adapt them to the social reality of each moment and modify them, so that they may serve to shape the Law in force.

Year after year, therefore, progress will continue to be made and works will continue to be published based on the study of subjects ranging from public law to inheritance, passing through personal law, process, rights in rem, obligations, without forgetting family law, criminal law, commercial law, etc.

These eleven volumes are a compilation of the Association's valuable research, the result of the work carried out at scientific meetings held in recent years by experts in the field.

You can consult the general introduction and the indexes of the volumes that make up the publication, which leads directly to the articles, by clicking on the following link INDEX.

The complete work can be accessed by clicking on the following link: