Author Guidelines
Objective and scope of the journal. Magister publishes since 2021 one number (December) per year. Original studies of applied research in the field of teacher training and educational research are welcome. Magister accepts papers in Spanish or English, theoretical reviews, descriptions of experiences in training and educational innovation, literature reviews and empirical research.
Submission of manuscripts. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the address You can download the template to prepare your manuscript.
In order to accomplish the anonymous peer-review policy, the title, total word count, author names, highest degree, affiliation, postal address, mail address, and contact number of the authors will be included on the first page of the manuscript. The second page must include the title, an abstract of maximum 200 words, 3-5 keywords and a running-head, all in Spanish and English. Funding agencies must also be included (if the work has received no support it should also be pointed out) and in case the manuscript has more than one author, each of them should explain their individual contribution to the manuscript. From the third page ahead the full text will be included.
The paper must be written in Word format (doc., docx., or similar), double-spaced Times New Roman 12. Tables or figures must be presented in the preferred position within the text and must be editable. Maximum length for the manuscript is 6000 words (including title, abstract, key words, main text, tables, figures and references).
The contributions must be original, not having been published before. They cannot be under consideration to be published by other journals.
Writing style. All manuscripts must use inclusive and nondiscriminatory language. They should adhere to the publication norms of the APA Style (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 2020, 7th edition). Papers that not meet this requisite will be returned to the authors to effectively comply with these criteria. Below we summarize some of them:
– Bibliographical references within the text should give author’s surname and year of publication (in brackets and separated by a comma). If the author’s name is part of the narrative it should be followed by the year of publication (in brakets). If there are only two authors both should be cited in all cases. For three or more authors, please include only the name of the first author followed by “et al.” and the year. For references with the same first author and year, the complete list of authors should be included until there is not possible confusion. For works by the same author(s) and same year, the letters a, b, c, etc., should follow the year.
– All references from the reference list must be placed at the end of the article (please avoid footnotes), showing all authors and ordered alphabetically by first author. Some examples are shown: a) Books: “Hörner, W., Döbert, H., Kopp, B. & Mitter, W. (2007). The education systems of Europe. Springer”; b) Book chapter: “Beltrán, J. (1999). Procesos cognitivos implicados en el aprendizaje de los valores sociales. La solución de conflictos. En J. Beltrán & C. Genovard (Eds.), Psicología de la instrucción II. Áreas curriculares (pp. 119-142). Síntesis.”; c) Journal article: “Jensen, B., Grajeda, S. & Haertel, E. (2018). Measuring cultural dimensions of classroom interactions. Educational Assessment, 23(4), 250-276.”
For all other norms please consult the 7th edition of APA Manual (APA, 2020).
Peer-review system. Originals will be evaluated initially by the Editorial Board, who determines their thematic relevance for the Journal and the fulfillment of basic formal aspects. When the result is positive, the manuscript will be sent to two anonymous reviewers, experts in Educational research. Once the manuscript has been reviewed, the Editorial Board will communicate to the authors whether or not the paper will be published and, when appropriate, the necessary modifications before it can be published. The deadline to communicate either acceptance or rejection of the manuscript will be five months, counting from the reception of the work.
Good gender practices
All manuscripts must use inclusive and nondiscriminatory language.
Magister pays special attention to research topics concerning a gender perspective or the analysis of the effects of gender in the educational, psychological or teaching topics published in the Journal.
Copyright and responsibilities. After acceptance, rights of printing and reproduction in any form of the manuscript will be transferred to Magister. The ideas and opinions expressed in the articles are understood to be exclusive responsibility of the authors. Likewise, authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permission to include any previously published material. It also responsibility of the authors to ensure that all the ethical aspects have been accomplished and are in accordance with the professional deontology code. The Journal declines any responsibility or possible conflicts arising from the works published in it.
Copyright Notice
The works published in this journal are subject to the following terms:
1. Oviedo University Press (the publisher) retains the property rights (copyright) of published works, and encourages and enables the reuse of the same under the license specified in paragraph 2.
© Ediuno. Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo / Oviedo University Press
2. The works are published in the online edition of the journal under a license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) (legal text). You can copy, use, distribute, transmit and publicly display, provided that: i) you cite the author and the original source of publication (journal, publisher and URL of the work); ii) they are not used for commercial purposes; iii) they do not constitute a derivative work; iv) mentions the existence and specifications of this license.
3. Conditions of self-archiving. The author can archive the post-print version of the article (publisher’s version) on the author’s personal website and/or on the web of the institution where he belong, including a link to the page of the journal and putting the way of citation of the work. Magister and its URL https:// are the only authorized source for correctly giving the reference of the publisher’s version in every mention of the article.