Design, application and assessment of formative feedback in final degree project
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final degree project
Higher Education
formative evaluation
qualitative analysis feedback
trabajo final de grado
Educación Superior
evaluación formativa
análisis cualitativo.

How to Cite

Pinya Medina, C., De La Iglesia Mayol, B., Verger Gelabert, S., & Rosselló Ramon, M. R. (2020). Design, application and assessment of formative feedback in final degree project. Magister. Journal of Teacher Training and Educational Innovation, 32(1), 1–8.


This study aims to introduce the design and application of a Final Degree Project tutoring project where formative and cyclical feedback is subject to evaluation by students and lecturers. A total of nine lecturers from the Faculty of Education at the University of the Balearic Islands and 58 students on the Degree in Early Childhood and Primary Education took part. Two instruments were used: a questionnaire for lecturers and students to collect information; and content analysis for the online feedback provided by tutors. Among the results, there is a tendency to give a type of feedback focused on the task, more than on the process of self-regulation.
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