Foreign language learning within esports: a theoretical revision
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self-determined learning
master’s degree
pedagogical mediation
tutoring aprendizaje
aprendizaje de lengua extranjera

How to Cite

Postigo Fuentes, A. Y., & Fernández Navas, M. (2020). Foreign language learning within esports: a theoretical revision. Magister. Journal of Teacher Training and Educational Innovation, 32(1), 9–15.


In the article the results of an exploratory study regarding tutoring in graduate of the National Pedagogic University (UPN) are described. Four levels of analysis (discursive, regulatory, operational and daily), which identify the scope and challenges of mentoring teachers in educational development formation of used. Among the results highlight the identification of inconsistencies between the discursive, regulatory, operational and daily levels of mentoring. The existence of contradictory discourses are identified, with a lack of support and recognition of mentoring; no definition of the tutor profile; confusion between the notions of tutor and advisor; and lack of mechanisms for training to perform their tasks tutor. As for the conclusions tutoring is identified as a key factor to potentiate the learning of students; however, attention to the aspect of school performance is limited.
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