Training of primary school teachers in the context of confinement. The importance of self-regulated learning in mathematics
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Future teachers
self-regulation practices
mathematics Futuros maestros
prácticas de autorregulación

How to Cite

Hidalgo-Moncada, D., Díez-Palomar, J., & Vanegas Muñoz, Y. (2020). Training of primary school teachers in the context of confinement. The importance of self-regulated learning in mathematics. Magister. Journal of Teacher Training and Educational Innovation, 32(1), 40–48.


During the last months, education has been affected by a series of sudden changes due to the Covid-19 pandemic, such as going from face-to-face to virtual teaching, which has been a great challenge for those who were not prepared in this scope. The above situation has led teacher training programs to adapt on the fly and to prepare various study materials trying to carry out a process like that carried out in person. However, this has caused an overload of work for both students and teachers, both seeing the need of use self-regulation tools that help them with the organization and planning of their classes. In this article, we show, on the one hand, the reflection of a teacher in charge of the training of Primary Education teachers in the current context, and on the other hand, we propose a series of practices that allow to promote self-regulated learning of mathematics.
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