Geolocation tools as a didactic and relational strategy: an experience with Latin American art intimes of pandemic
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Art history
Latin American culture
Geolocation tools
Educational innovation. Historia del arte
Cultura latinoamericana
Herramientas de geolocalización
Innovación educativa.

How to Cite

Ribeiro Dos Santos, R. (2020). Geolocation tools as a didactic and relational strategy: an experience with Latin American art intimes of pandemic. Magister. Journal of Teacher Training and Educational Innovation, 32(1), 72–77.


This article describes a proposal for applied teaching innovation in the History of IberoAmerican Art subject of the History of Art degree at the University of Oviedo during the period of confinement. The project was based on the use of geolocalization technology present in mobile devices, for the creation of personal maps with the identification of locations that relate the geographical space of Latin America, the contents taught in the subject and the experiences and particularities of each student. The activity, which was conceived to be carried out remotely and enhanced by m-learning, became an indispensable practice due to the forced and urgent need to adapt all teaching to the non-attendance mode. Finally, in addition to enhancing the initial objectives of construction and assimilation of learning, the project managed to establish ties of presence among students, in a scenario of fracture of real contacts.
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