Shaping digital deconstrution: teaching and learning of Mathematics during the lockdown
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Mathematics Education
Technology education
Classification Educación matemática
Educación tecnológica

How to Cite

Del Zozzo, A., Garzetti, M., & Santi, G. (2020). Shaping digital deconstrution: teaching and learning of Mathematics during the lockdown. Magister. Journal of Teacher Training and Educational Innovation, 32(1), 80–86.


In this paper we address the issue of how the Covid-19 lockdown experience is impacting on Mathematics teaching and learning processes. This unexpected situation forced the deconstruction of teaching practices and our research is an attempt to understand how mathematics practices of Long-Distance Learning during lockdown were being shaped, and what role this period and the related studies could have for future practices. The main aim of the study, framed by Grounded Theory approach, is to shape the dimensions of the deconstruction process caused by the use of digital technologies in order to both understand the Long Distance Learning emergency period and to encounter the post Covid-19 needs related to mathematics education in a more structured way.
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