Learning English in Higher Education at a distance: a teaching experience
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distance education
English (second language)
higher education
evaluation methods
teaching experience. educación a distancia
inglés como lengua extranjera
educación superior
métodos de evaluación
experiencia en el aula.

How to Cite

Fischer, H., & Rodríguez Martínez, M. C. (2020). Learning English in Higher Education at a distance: a teaching experience. Magister. Journal of Teacher Training and Educational Innovation, 32(1), 87–92. https://doi.org/10.17811/msg.32.1.2020.87-92


Spanish universities are based on face-to-face teaching. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the classes to get restructured and get their teaching methodologies adapted to other methodologies that would ensure a proper learning process. This article provides a description of the academic context and the activities carried out to adjust the face-to-face English teaching to a distance teaching, analyzing the courses Inglés II (384 students) and Inglés IV (218 students). The present teaching experience here presented shows good performance with more gamified, more interactive, and less conventional exercises. These results are related to the transversal nature of the courses within the different studies offered by the University, given that these activities mentioned previously lead to greater motivation among the students.
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