The increase in investment and resources in education is a recurring demand for the improvement of the educational system. It is usual for school leaders, teachers and families to point out the scarcity of resources as a cause for a low achievement. This research explores the relations between achievement and spending and investment in education. This study aims to three objectives: it compares the current situation of Spanish regions regarding variables of resources and outcomes; it analyses the relation among wealth, investment and resources variables; and finally, it explores the prediction ability of the wealth and resources variables over the standardized tests results. To accomplish the first aim, descriptive statistics and frequency analysis were calculated. For the second one, a Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated. Finally, for the third aim, two multiple regression models were performed in which the variables of interest were the results in PISA 2015. The main conclusions of this research are as follows: the variables of wealth, resources and outcomes differs among Spanish regions, the relation between resources and results variables is low or very low, the only variable which shows some predictive ability over the PISA standardized test results is the GDP per capita. The data supports the idea that Spain is a wealthy country with a high investment in education which should be enough to confirm that the resource management should be more important than the amount of money spent in education.
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