Sex education is a right of adolescence that, however, remains voluntary in schools. This study compares two programs with a different application model (tutoring vs. curricular), in order to know which type of intervention is more feasible and realistic. A longitudinal descriptive approach was proposed to compare the process of “Neither ogres nor princesses” –NONP–, tutoring, and “Compulsory Secondary Education for Health” –ExS–, curricular. The indicators were classified into: teacher evaluation, participation, carrying out activities and opinion of coordinators. The information was collected with questionnaires for teachers, follow-up sheets and interviews. The teacher evaluation was similar in both programs, with percentages around 90% of satisfaction and usefulness perceived for the students. NONP achieved higher coverage, especially in public schools (50 vs. 36%). The coordinators valued the continuity of both initiatives and highlighted the quality of the teaching material and the involvement of students and teachers. Both programs were valid proposals, but burdened by volunteerism. Following these results and a broader analysis of rights, norms and evidence, sex education should be curricular and compulsory.
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