CCo-learning, intercultural communication and blended learning during Covid-19: experience and practice of teaching heritage tourism
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Active on-line learning
cultural heritage
museum studies
cultural tourism
teaching innovation Aprendizaje activo online
patrimonio cultural
turismo cultural
innovación docente

How to Cite

Povedano Marrugat, E. (2022). CCo-learning, intercultural communication and blended learning during Covid-19: experience and practice of teaching heritage tourism. Magister. Journal of Teacher Training and Educational Innovation, 34(1), 61–67.


Co-learning and collaborative work are teaching methods that have been used to improve learning for decades. In the academic year 2019-2020, we have used them to promote certain values in the framework of a teaching innovation. The confinement derived from Covid-19 presented us with an even greater challenge innovation-wise, as the practical coursework had to be organized synchronously online, after a month and a half of University-based lectures.

Practical and theoretical sessions were used to promote collaboration and positive competitiveness. The results were highly effective, improving work processes and maintaining the rhythm throughout.

The result was an innovative teaching project that, despite the difficulties posed by confinement, achieved its goals and gave excellent results. New formulae needed to be found by both students and staff to overcome the difficulties and solve the multiple problems created by physical distancing and lack of face-to-face personal contact.
PDF (Español (España))


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