University dropout and resilience in new students
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higher education
university dropout resiliencia
educación superior
abandono universitario

How to Cite

Blanco , E., Español, E., Español, E., & Español, E. (2022). University dropout and resilience in new students . Magister. Journal of Teacher Training and Educational Innovation, 34(1), 17–23.


University dropout is a global and complex phenomenon that occurs as a result of the interaction of multiple academic, economic, affective-motivational variables, etc. Among these, resilience seems important because the transition from high school to university represents a great change in the lives of students, where the ability to adapt to the new environment is essential. This research seeks to analyze the relationship between the resilience of students and the intention to drop out of university. For this purpose, a sample of 440 new students of the Bachelor's Degree in Teaching and the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, from different Spanish universities, and an ad hoc questionnaire was implemented to measure the intention to drop out and a resilience scale. The results indicate that students who show the intention to drop out have lower scores on the resilience scale. In addition, they show that students of the Degree in Psychology have a higher intention to drop out than students of the Degree in Teaching. For this reason, the implementation of tools that promote resilience is suggested as a preventive measure for dropping out of university.
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