Influence of the Socio-affective Sense in the Learning of Mathematics
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academic performance
maths learning
socio- affective sense
emotional workshop rendimiento académico
enseñanza matemática
sentido socioafectivo
taller emocional

How to Cite

Álvarez-Moreno, M. del C., & de Caso-Fuertes, A. M. (2023). Influence of the Socio-affective Sense in the Learning of Mathematics. Magister. Journal of Teacher Training and Educational Innovation, 35(1), 17–24.


Mathematics subject in Secondary Education (SE) is linked to different emotional states. For this reason, this work aims to verify the influence of the Socio-affective Sense on Mathematics Learning through an intervention program entitled "Emotional Workshop" with a quasi-experimental design. Therefore, a total of 52 students from 1st year of SE from a private school of Leon took part in the project. As evaluation instruments to measure Socio-affective Sense (Independent Variable), the adapted TMSS-24 questionnaire has been used, and to measure Learning in Mathematics (Dependent Variable), two simple math tests have been selected. The results show significant differences in favor of the control group in attention, clarity and repair, however, the intervention group, after the emotional workshop, presents improvements in attention.
PDF (Español (España))


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