Comics and their educational use. Systematic literature review (2010-2022)
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Álvarez, C. Álvarez, & García-Ruiz, R. (2024). Comics and their educational use. Systematic literature review (2010-2022). Magister. Journal of Teacher Training and Educational Innovation, 36(1), 1–8.


Comics have been and are a widely used didactic resource in teaching-learning processes in a variety of educational contexts. This article presents a systematic international review of the scientific literature that relates the reading of comics with their educational use in order to identify the diversity of their uses. After conducting a documentary search of scientific articles on the subject in the Web of Science and Scopus based on a series of criteria, it was decided to work with a set of 46 articles published in the period 2010-2022. These were analysed according to eight variables. The results show that there is a diverse use of comics: it is shown that comics are widely accepted as a teaching strategy in classrooms, but at the same time, it is observed that their reading predominates over their creation, the digital medium has prevailed over the paper medium and the predominant reading is academic. It is possible to conclude that the use of comics produces many notable educational results. However, they could be used more critically, addressing social diversity to a greater extent in order to avoid the reproduction of stereotypes.
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