Currently, students do not practice enough physical activity to maintain a healthy standard of living. This lack of practice is associated with a decrease in basic psychological needs (BPN) and decreased motivation towards physical activity. In order to increase motivation, it is proposed to use gamification; however, few studies observe how gamification affects BPN, and much less for novelty. Therefore, the present study tried to observe how gamification affects the need for novelty in the subject of physical education in elementary education. To carry out the study, 99 students from first, second and fifth grades participated, who were divided into an experimental group (EG, n = 49) and a control group (CG, n = 50), with the participation of the three previously mentioned courses in both groups. To observe the change in novelty a questionnaire was used pre- and post-intervention (BPN-CS). The results showed that the EG obtained novelty increases, while the CG did not obtain changes. In conclusion, gamification seems to be a viable tool to achieve improvements in the need for novelty in physical education students in primary education.
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