To obtain a comprehensive approach to university dropout, it is essential to develop research focusing on both transfer (change of degree and/or university) and permanent dropout. To date, there have been an increasing number of studies that delve into the causes of the latter, with few studies addressing transfer as another form of dropout with serious consequences and high dropout rates. The present study aims to analyse the intention to drop out, taking into consideration the intention to transfer and the intention to drop out. Furthermore, it analyses satisfaction, a variable with great predictive value for dropout, in terms of this intention to drop out. The study includes 402 education students from a Spanish university. The results show an 11.4% intention to transfer and an 11.2% intention to drop out. Significant statistical differences were also observed between the three groups, with students intending to remain at the university demonstrating the highest levels of academic satisfaction, followed by those intending to drop out and, finally, students intending to transfer. These findings highlight the importance of transfer and the necessity for comparative studies to profile the relevant variables in both types of dropout.
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