Archives of Pathology
The journal of Archivos de Patología has as its leiv motiv to disseminate a multidisciplinary approach to Pathology Discipline, emphasizing its importance in daily clinical practice. Archivos de Patología focuses on the analysis of real clinical cases, without neglecting both doctrinal issues and revisions and updates in Pathology. All of them are powerful tools to promote the quality of knowledge and excellence so demanded by medical society in general.
Aula Abierta
Journal of research, training and innovation in education. Aula Abierta is one of the oldest scientific educational journals in Spain (established in 1973).
Aula Abierta is an international quarterly scientific journal, which aims to promote scientific dissemination and exchange in the field of education. It publishes original empirical or theoretical papers on this topic, in Spanish or English, relevant to researchers or education professionals.
Ciencies. Cartafueyos Asturianos de Ciencia y Teunoloxía
Revista de la Academia de la Lengua Asturiana -
Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo XVIII
Journal of the Feijoo Institute for 18th Century Studies
Anejos de Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo XVIII
Anejos de Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo XVIII are a collection of digital books with ISBN co-published by the Instituto Feijoo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII and Ediciones Trea
Diálogos Jurídicos
Diálogos Jurídicos es una publicación anual de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Oviedo.
En ella se publican trabajos de investigación originales sobre Derecho positivo español y/o extranjero de las distintas disciplinas jurídicas. -
Emergency and Disaster Reports
Emergency and Disaster Reports is a journal edited in English since 2014 by the Unit for Research in Emergency and Disaster ( of the Department of Medicine of the University of Oviedo. Its objective is to present research works, monographic reviews and technical reports related to the fields of Medicine and Public Health in emergency and disaster situations, as well as pre-hospital emergency systems. The journal is aligned with the objective of the United Nations Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction to promote the improvement of scientific knowledge on the causes of disasters and the effects of natural hazards and technological and environmental disasters within the societies, and facilitate wider application to reduce the vulnerability of disaster-prone communities. Emergency and Disaster Reports is currently the only Spanish journal that covers this area of knowledge.
ISSN 0211-0563 / ISSN-e 2660-7018
The first issue of Ería was published in 1980; just over three and a half decades later, 100 publications are reached. Maintaining the initial spirit and its unmistakable hallmarks, while supported by the recognition of FECYT as well as Thomson Reuters and Clarivate Analytics, among other entities, Ería begins a new stage in a continued effort to adapt to new channels of dissemination and quality standards of scientific journals.
Ería also seeks to incorporate as collaborators those companies and institutions identified with our thematic lines and values. With the institutional endorsement of Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, we reach a scientific-technical and economic agreement with entities committed to the territory.
Glosema. Asturian Journal of Linguistics
Open access e-journal of yearly publication. Specifically devoted to linguistics and language science in their different disciplines and theoretical perspectives. Special attention to linguistic diversity. -
Health, Aging & End of Life (HAEL) es una revista digital, de acceso abierto y publicación anual, que publica trabajos de investigación relacionados con el envejecimiento, la vejez y el proceso de final de vida, en español o inglés, relevantes para los investigadores y los profesionales de la salud.
Historia Constitucional
"Historia Constitucional" es una Revista coeditada por el Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales de Madrid, adscrito al Ministerio español de la Presidencia, y el Seminario de Historia Constitucional "Martínez Marina" de la Universidad de Oviedo, y en sus orígenes contó con el soporte técnico de REDIRIS, organismo dependiente del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas de España.
Art history research journal
Liño is an international scientific research publication on art history and heritage.
Liño provides access to all content with no restrictions, from the time of its publication in electronic edition. It is published annually.
Lletres Asturianes
Since 1982 Lletres Asturianes has published original works focused on the Asturian language and literature, approached in a broad sense and in its relationship with other Hispanic and Romanesque languages, literatures and cultures. Lletres Asturianes publishes two issues a year (March and October).
e-ISSN: 2174-9612 / ISSN: 0212-0534
Magister. Journal of Teacher training and Educational Innovation
Journal of Teacher training and Educational Innovaction -
R.E.M.A. Revista electrónica de metodología aplicada
Revista Electrónica de Metodología Aplicada
Res Mobilis
Res Mobilis. International Research Journal of Furniture and Decorative Objects. The journal has an international reputation for publishing innovative critical work in furniture and decoration history and has played a major role in recent rethinking of those topics. Res Mobilis is a leading journal in Spanish and Portuguese- speaking countries. It plays an active role in the development of design history including the history of the crafts and applied arts. It publishes essays and critical reviews that foreground methodological self-reflexivity and includes a regular book reviews section and from time to time publishes special issues.
Revista de Filoloxía Asturiana
Anuariu universitariu d’estudios llingüísticos y lliterarios asturianos y románicos -
Revista Jurídica de Asturias
Doctrina jurídica de derecho público y privado y jurisprudencia
RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law
The International Journal of Roman Law was created in 2008 under the auspices of the Ibero-American Association of Roman Law and the University of Castilla-La Mancha, thanks to the initiative, work and selfless dedication of Professor of Roman Law Dr Gustavo Raul de las Heras Sanchez for more than 14 years,
who has been in charge of managing and publishing the journal up to and including issue 27. The entire trajectory of this first phase of the journal can be consulted in RIDROM.
The aim of the journal is to disseminate the results of research in the field of Roman Law and its reception. It was born and continues with the vocation of overcoming any geographical frontiers and is open to all individuals and institutions with the same aim. It will also disseminate the activities of the Ibero-American Association and any news and information of interest to the Roman community.
RIDROM enjoys an excellent reputation in the field of Roman Law, the Roman tradition and the historical-legal sciences, as one of the journals with the highest scientific impact.
In the new stage that begins with issue 28 (2022), the aim is to improve a series of formal aspects that will lead to an increase in the journal's inclusion in international databases and an improvement in the rating of those already existing, with the invaluable help of the Publications Service of the University of Oviedo, hosted on the REUNIDO platform of the University of Oviedo: RIDROM.SERIE II.
RIDROM has received in 2023 the Quality Seal in the 8th edition of the FECYT Journal Evaluation process, issued by the Evaluation Commission in accordance with the participation procedure and published on 30 December 2022.
RIDROM is a scientific journal published every six months in electronic format, open access and free of charge (Open Access Journal).
Revista Iberoamericana de la Innovación y la Calidad de la Educación Superior. Revista que pretende potenciar la transferencia del conocimiento con artículos de carácter empírico o teórico en español, portugués e inglés, preferentemente relativos a la Educación Superior y de relevancia para investigadores, gestores, administradores, profesionales, estudiantes y ciudadanía en general. Atendiendo a este marco es nuestra intención tender puentes de colaboración institucionales, locales, autonómicos, estatales e internacionales en Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Educativa en la Unión Europea, en países del Mediterráneo, en África e Iberoamérica.
SELIM. Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature
The Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature (SELIM) publishes scholarly articles, notes, and book reviews that contribute to the advancement of Medieval English Studies. The Journal accepts contributions for its forthcoming issues and welcomes proposals for special issues. Once we have received the contributions, you may expect a decision from the referees in about eight weeks’ time.
Journal of Psychology.
The articles in this journal are copies of those published by the journal Psicothema, jointly edited by the Faculty and Department of Psychology of the University of Oviedo and the Official College of Psychologists of the Principality of Asturias. It publishes four issues a year.
Trabajos de Geología
Trabajos de Geología (TDG) es una revista multidisciplinar en el campo de las Ciencias de la Tierra, editada por el Departamento de Geología de la Universidad de Oviedo. Su objetivo principal es la publicación de trabajos originales sobre cualquier aspecto de la Geología. TDG también admite, previa invitación, artículos resultantes de Trabajos Fin de Grado o Fin de Máster de alumnos que hayan obtenido una calificación excelente, y cumplan los con los requisitos de calidad de un artículo científico.
Esta revista sigue el modelo de Publicación Continua. Los artículos aceptados se publican inmediantamente en formato electrónico, agrupándose en un nuevo volumen en el momento que haya un número suficiente de ellos.