The temporal duration of public posts in republican rome: a cause for reflection
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Magistraturas romanas
prorrogatio imperii
temporalidad de los cargos públicos
Constitución española Roman magistratures
prorrogatio imperii
temporal duration of public posts
Spanish Constitution

How to Cite

Gil, O. (2012). The temporal duration of public posts in republican rome: a cause for reflection. RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law, 1(9), 341–377. Retrieved from


The limited duration of magistratures in Republican Rome and its subsequent decline due to prorogatio imperii leads us to reflect on the relevance of the temporal duration of public posts as a guarantee of a democratic system. Using the Roman example, we compare events since the entry into force of the Spanish Constitution of 1978 up until today, and we note with concern, how durability in the mandates of the principal constitutional organs is becoming more relaxed, without the motives even existing that justified prorogatio imperii in Rome..
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