The controversy on the trichotomy “res, operae, opus” and the origin of the “locatio-conductio
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locatio-conductio rei
locatio-conductio operarum
locatio-conductio operis Locatio-conductio
locatio-conductio rei
locatio-conductio operarum
locatio-conductio operis

How to Cite

Torrent, A. (2012). The controversy on the trichotomy “res, operae, opus” and the origin of the “locatio-conductio. RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law, 1(9), 378–420. Retrieved from


The locatio-conductio usually is explained in the immense majority of institutional texts through a trichotomy of leasing forms (loc.- cond. rei, operarum, operis), as if the roman lawyers would have coined these expressions and carefully outlined these types endowing them with a certain conceptual autonomy. The way of explaining could perhaps be valid for a first year student in the Law faculty, but at a scientific level it canŽt resist even the slightist criticism, because neither the roman lawyers nor the medieval interpreters working with the roman sources explained the leasing deferentiating conceptually those types..
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