Pena de muerte y mujer embarazada: notas sobre un binomio de larga tradición histórica
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Pena de muerte
Mujer embarazada
Derecho Romano
Derecho histórico español Death penalty
Pregnant woman
Roman law
Spanish historical law

How to Cite

Mentxaka, R. (2013). Pena de muerte y mujer embarazada: notas sobre un binomio de larga tradición histórica. RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law, 1(11), 1–60. Retrieved from


Progress in the abolitionist movement of the death penalty has been linked with what has been called "humanitarian law" and has been considered a conquest of contemporary democratic societies. However, the suspension of the execution of the capital sentence for pregnant women has its roots in Roman Law. In this paper, I intended to reflect both the reasons for such exception and the historical evolution of the regulation in the Roman Empire because, probably, the humanitarian determinants grounds argued nowdays were not present in the roman legal provisions..
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