The municipal flavian policy: the edict of Vespasian universae hispaniae latium tribuit, and the epistula domiticani publisching the thex irnitana
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Asimilación romana de España
hegemonía romana en provincias y municipios
edictum Vespasiani
epistula Domitiani Roman assimilation of Spain
roman hegemony in provinces and cities
edictum Vespasiani
epistula Domitiani

How to Cite

Torrent, A. (2017). The municipal flavian policy: the edict of Vespasian universae hispaniae latium tribuit, and the epistula domiticani publisching the thex irnitana. RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law, 1(19), 153–242. Retrieved from


The progressive roman assimilation of Hispania begin in 218 B. C. when the city of Sagunto ask Rome for help in defense of the punic siege. The assimilation is growing up and is recognisec by Vespasian in year 74 A. C. when Universae Hispaniae ius Latii tribuit and confirmed in the flavian municipal laws, specially in the lex Irnitana promulgated by Domitian in year 91 A. D. trough a epistula that suscite numerous problems..
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