Interest of money loans. Legal limitations and civil effects of his abusivity in Roman law
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usurae centesimae
limitaciones a los tipos de interés en Derecho romano
usurae supra legitimun modum
“cláusula suelo/techo” Usury
usurae centesimae
limitations on interest rates in Roman law
usurae supra legitimun modum
“Floor/roof clause”

How to Cite

López-Rendo, C. (2018). Interest of money loans. Legal limitations and civil effects of his abusivity in Roman law. RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law, 1(20), 426–464. Retrieved from


The article studies the limitations to the interests in the different periods established by the law of the XII Tables, the leges foeneraticiae, and the postclassic and justinianeas Imperial Constitutions, as well as the civil consequences of agreeing/negotiating illegitimate interests. The study ends with some reflections in which the application of the Roman legal solutions to the problem raised by the ground clauses in Spanish law are highlighted..
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