Esfuerzo muscular del delincuente
otros tipos de daños (corrumpere
paso de una originaria responsabilidad objetiva a otra subjetiva Muscular effort of the defendant
other types of damages (corrumpere
pass of a originary objective liability at one subjective
otros tipos de daños (corrumpere
paso de una originaria responsabilidad objetiva a otra subjetiva Muscular effort of the defendant
other types of damages (corrumpere
pass of a originary objective liability at one subjective
How to Cite
Torrent, A. (2019). More about Gayo 3,219: si quis corpore suo damnum dederit. RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law, 1(22), 1–54. Retrieved from
I trie to show that the lex Aquilia going forward XII Tables that only counted with dolus delicts, fixed that the damnum iniuria datum must be debt to a muscular, physical effort (cropore suo) of the delincuent. In lex Aquilia chapter I the main object was occidere alien slave or a pecudes; in ch. III other types of damages, always that these damages were caused iniuria, based the aquilian liability on culpa..Downloads
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