The romanism and anti-romanism in France until the Napoleon's code
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pars Orientis y Pars Occidentis
derecho romano vulgar
Pays de droit écrit-pays de droit coutumier
código de Napoleón Diferencies between pars Orientis and Pars Occidentis
Roman vulgar Law
Pays de droit écrit-pays de droit coutumier
Code Napoleon

How to Cite

Torrent Ruiz, A. (2023). The romanism and anti-romanism in France until the Napoleon’s code. RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law, 1(30), 446–458.


Against the general idea that in galliarum terrae always was determinant the Roman Law in France, I think that not always was so, and the influence of Roman Law was up in medieval times of the interest of french monarchs that in certain way renewed the old idea of the diferences between pars Orientis and pars Occidentis in the History of the european Jurisprudence. As a rule, in medieval times the Roman Law was reserved in the inner of cathedrals and monasteries; with the “Rénaissance” returned the interest for Roman Law like cultural idea due to the clasicism of the that time, later were tensions on the learning of Roman Law in the french Universities, and in trials. With the french revolution and inspired Napoleón by Domat and Pothier, the “code civil français” returned to the idea of a general Code based on roman jurisprudence, but from 1804 till 1954 beginned a century of progressive decadency on Roman Law in France and Europe
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