Christian pilgrim women and the use of the cursus publicus in the lower empire
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peregrinación femenina cristiana
cursus publicus
Melania(s) Pilgrimage
Christian female pilgrimage
cursus publicus

How to Cite

Mentxaka, R. (2023). Christian pilgrim women and the use of the cursus publicus in the lower empire. RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law, 1(30), 289–343.


The paper discusses the possible use (or not) of cursus publicus by Christian pilgrim women during the fourth and fifth centuries a. d. After presenting the raison d'être of the subject, the cases of some women of high social status such as the two Melanias, Paula or Egeria are exposed and, also, that it was their status that facilitated the use of the cursus is defended, although there was no public interest in the trip one that theoretically justified the concession
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