The Female Priesthood of the Vestals
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Barreiro Morales, M. E. (2024). The Female Priesthood of the Vestals. RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law, 1(32), 1–23.


The vestal virgins were women consecrated to the cult of the goddess Vesta who joined the service of the priesthood as children. They were recruited as children, since their service period lasted thirty years. During their time of service, they were always guarded and under the supervision of the Pontifex Maximus. For their families it was a great honor that one of her daughters dedicated herself to this female priesthood. They had to maintain chastity during those thirty years of service and if, at any time, they did not fulfill that principle, they were severely punished. These women not only had to fulfill their priestly obligations, but they also had to do that to maintain and respect the honor of their family of origin. Although they were sui iuris women and exempt from being subject to mulierum guardianship, they were not completely free during their years of service.
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