An Analysis of Primary School Teachers' Knowledge of Gender Perspectives in Children's and Young Adults’ Literature
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Primary education
gender stereotype Percepciones
Enseñanza Primaria
estereotipo de género

How to Cite

Rodríguez Olay, L. (2022). An Analysis of Primary School Teachers’ Knowledge of Gender Perspectives in Children’s and Young Adults’ Literature. Magister. Journal of Teacher Training and Educational Innovation, 34(1), 45–52.


One of the fundamental objectives of our education system is the promotion and pursuit of equality. Given that teachers are key to achieving equality, it is essential to ascertain teachers’ knowledge of various gender issues and whether the training they receive is adequate and sufficient. This research is based on a quantitative analysis of an ad hoc survey of 72 primary school teachers. It considers teachers’ knowledge of gender issues in Children's and Young Adults’ Literature, and how they approach them in the classroom. The results show that the main difference between male and female teachers mainly relates to the implementation of activities. The data also confirm the teachers' awareness of their limited knowledge of gender issues and the need for training.
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