Lex rivi hiberiensis, derecho de asociación y gobernador provincial
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Lex rivi hiberiensis
Hispania Citerior
lex paganica
legatus iuridicus
legatus pro praetore
“….ndanus Augustanus Alpinus lega(tus)”
magister/i pagi
publicanus/i Lex rivi hiberiensis
Hispania Citerior
lex paganica
legatus iuridicus
legatus pro praetore
“….ndanus Augustanus Alpinus lega(tus)”
magister/i pagi

How to Cite

Mentxaka, R. (2009). Lex rivi hiberiensis, derecho de asociación y gobernador provincial. RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law, 1(2), 1–46. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/ridrom/article/view/17920


The purpose of the article is to clarify the position of an important figure who appears in the lex rivi hiberiensis, the ruling statutes of one irrigation community situated on the right bank of the middle Ebro in the hinterland of Hispania Citerior. At the time, Hadrian was the Emperor and the statutes were sanctioned by one roman public authority:"ndanus Augustanus Alpinus lega(tus)". It is not clear who was this figure, if the provincial governor or the legatus iuridicus. The intention of the paper is to give some progress in the discussion about his position with new arguments..
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