Actio incerti ex stipulatu
Obligationes ex contractu Actio incerti ex stipulatu
Obligationes ex contractu
Obligationes ex contractu Actio incerti ex stipulatu
Obligationes ex contractu
How to Cite
Fuenteseca, M. (2009). ¿Existió la denominada actio incerti ex stipulatu?. RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law, 1(3), 1–20. Retrieved from
This article calls into question the existence of the actio incerti ex stipulatu. A new interpretation of the texts of Gaius (Institutiones) about the praescriptiones makes admissible the existence of an abstract and general condictio incerti, that in certain cases is accompanied by a praescriptio pro actore, that prevents the total consuming of the incertum contained in the action..Downloads
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