From vicesima hereditatium to the inheritance tax under Spanish law
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Vicesima hereditatium
Dion Casio
Panegírico de Trajano
impuesto sucesorio
Ley 29/1987 de 18 de diciembre del Impuesto sobre sucesiones y donaciones
Reglamento del Impuesto sobre sucesiones y donaciones aprobado por RD 1629/1991 de 8 de Noviembre Vicesima hereditatium; inheritance Tax; Law Inheritance and Gift Tax 29/1987
18 December and RD 1629/1991
8 november.

How to Cite

López-Rendo Rodríguez, C. (2015). From vicesima hereditatium to the inheritance tax under Spanish law. RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law, 1(14), 188–270. Retrieved from


This work analyzes the inheritance tax in Rome -vicesima hereditatium- across the news that we transmit Dio Cassius and Pliny the Younger in Panegyric of Trajan and legal sources. It stresses the origin, nature, a fact taxable income, taxable persons as well as those subjects exempt from taxation: a) Poor. b) heredes domestici. c) Fiscus, Aerarium, Aerarium militar, tax base, tax rate, officers to collect the tax: Publicanus, Procuratores vicessima hereditatium. Then I study the regulation of this tax in the historical Spanish law with special reference to the reforms that have taken place since the year 1792 to the present, highlighting the current regulations in the common Spanish territory..
PDF (Español (España))


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