ordo equester
nueva jurisprudencia racional y sistemática Ofilius
ordo equester
new jurisprudence rational and systematisch
ordo equester
nueva jurisprudencia racional y sistemática Ofilius
ordo equester
new jurisprudence rational and systematisch
How to Cite
Torrent, A. (2017). Ofilius, qui in equestri ordine perseveravit (Pomp., D. 1,2,2,44). RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law, 1(18), 399–424. Retrieved from
These phrase of Pomponius will meant that Ofilius reaffirmed his previous status and ideology that never abandon; and non only was a sign of wealthy but at he same time led to a break with the old aristocratic jurisprudence of mucian school still deep in a formalistic line for giving place to a new rational and systematisch jurisprudence nearer to social reality of the new class of equites..Downloads
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