Storytellins and legal problematization in the teaching of Roman law
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Cortés Román, C. (2024). Storytellins and legal problematization in the teaching of Roman law. RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law, 1(32), 24–56.


The following study presents a teaching innovation proposal for Practical and Developmental Teaching in the university subject of Institutions of Roman Law. In contrast to the traditional teaching practice applied in legal studies, a pedagogical approach of experiential learning based on legal problematisation and the use of Storytelling in the different case studies is proposed, with the aim of dynamising the implementation of the contents contemplated in the syllabus of the subject. By means of legal cases that follow the different life stages of a character in ancient Rome, this narrative model involves the students in the case study in an environment of active participation. At the same time, students deepen their knowledge of Roman sources during the resolution of cases by applying the knowledge acquired in the classroom, thus fostering an enriching and meaningful educational experience.
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