Evaluation of the program “emotionated families”
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Educación emocional
competencia emocional
educación parental
evaluación Emotional education
emotional competence
parenting program

How to Cite

Berastegui Martínez, J., de la Caba Collado, M. Ángeles, & Pérez Escoda, N. (2020). Evaluation of the program “emotionated families”. Aula Abierta, 49(4), 421–428. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.49.4.2020.421-428


Parental training offers support to families in the emotional education of their children. In this paper we present the results of the evaluation of the programme “Emotional Families”. The programme focused on the development of emotional competence following the pentagonal model of the GROP (Bisquerra and Pérez, 2007). A pre-experimental design was used with repeated pretest-postest measures, from a mixed methodology. Seventy-six parents from an educational center participated. Three hypotheses were tested: a) the training will have an impact on the emotional competence of the participants; b) it will raise their awareness of the need to integrate what they have learned and apply it in the family; c) they will acquire new knowledge and resources to do so. The questionnaire for the evaluation of emotional competence (CDE-R) (Pérez-Escoda, 2016) and two questionnaires designed ad-hoc by the research team were used. The results of the ANOVA confirm a significant improvement in the emotional competence of the participants. The qualitative study shows that the intervention promotes the acquisition of new knowledge and resources for the practice of emotional education. It is concluded that mothers and fathers develop their emotional competencies through the emotional education programme.

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