Personalized education during a period of educational change and innovation. An illustrative example
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aprendizaje activo
personalización educativa
innovación educativa
trayectorias de aprendizaje Learning
personalized education
educational change
learning pathways

How to Cite

Esteban-Guitart, M., Iglesias, E., González-Patiño, J., & González-Ceballos, I. (2020). Personalized education during a period of educational change and innovation. An illustrative example. Aula Abierta, 49(4), 395–402.


This article examines and empirically illustrate the personalized education conceived as a sum of different strategies, actuations and resources to promotes learners’ sense-making in the teaching and learning process. Six principles or elements involved in personalized education are suggested: starting from recognizing students’ identities, fostering reflexive practices, facilitating the learner’s agency, de­veloping learning pathways, promoting the multiple linking-bridging, and implementing socio-educative supports and scaffolds. After describing those principles, the project “¡Cápsulas! Itinerarios de aprendizaje” allow us to illustrate the elements previously described. This project was designed and implemented during the third semester of the course 2019-2020, within confinement circumstances cau­sed by Covid-19 pandemic. It is concluded by considering three challenges and opportunities of virtual education or remote teaching from the empirical example examined here.
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