Co-design as an impulse for university students’ engagement
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Escofet Roig, A., Novella Cámara, A., & Morín Fraile, M. V. (2021). Co-design as an impulse for university students’ engagement. Aula Abierta, 50(4), 825–832.


The partnership between students and university teachers through co-design practices encourages active participation, enables academic engagement and has a formative value in developing the metacognitive awareness of what is being learned. The research aimed to analyse representations and meaningful frameworks of teachers who promoted co-design practices in a Spanish public university. It involved 265 students from eight university degrees and ten teachers. The co-design processes were related to aspects centred on content, assessment, and teaching methodologies. The article shares the representational frameworks that emerged in teachers involved in co-design experiences based on the focus group technique. The results present four significant frameworks: the conceptualisation of co-design as a form of learning; the purposes of co-design according to the focus of advocacy; the core principles of co-design; and strategies for developing co-design processes. The findings reaffirm the qualities of co-design and propose new keys in relation to its conception as a participatory construction process, adding the role of the student as a builder of change. In addition, they propose two new qualities, configuring a proposal of five qualities: Respect, Reciprocity, Responsibility, Reflection and Revision. These contributions are crucial to accompany the development of students’ engagement to the university and their training.
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