A systematic literature review about the level of digital competences defined by DigCompEdu in higher education


digital competences
higher education
technological competences
university professors DigCompEdu
digital competences
higher education
technological competences
university professors

How to Cite

Bilbao Aiastui, E., Arruti Gómez, A. ., & Carballedo Morillo, R. . (2021). A systematic literature review about the level of digital competences defined by DigCompEdu in higher education. Aula Abierta, 50(4), 841–850. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.50.4.2021.841-850


Nowadays, we are facing a historical moment in which education practices are being transformed mainly due to the increase of technologies and their massive use at all levels of society, thus it is necessary to integrate them in educational contexts. In this context, the aim of this paper is to: analyse the level of technological competences of university professors. To this end, a systematic literature review based on the PRISMA methodology is carried out. The search was focused on WoS and SCOPUS databases. Initially, 815 documents have been retrieved and after applying the exclusion criteria 30 papers have been selected. The selected papers have been analysed in detail and the final conclusions have been structured according to DigCompEdu digital competence framework. The results show that the level of Digital Competences of University Professors (DCUP) is moderate and highlight aspects to improve: Reflective Practice is not cited in any article and Learner´s Empowerment and Facilitating Students' Digital Competence are the least referred. These aspects should be considered for future research. For this reason, it is recommended to carry out continuous training for university professors supported by the DigCompEdu framework.



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