A narrative inquiry into curriculum-construction processes through future teachers’ experiential stories during their initial education
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initial teacher education
narrative inquiry
narrative pedagogy
good teaching formación inicial del profesorado
indagación narrativa
pedagogía narrativa
buena docencia

How to Cite

Porta Vazquez, L. G., & Sarasa Muñiz, M. C. (2021). A narrative inquiry into curriculum-construction processes through future teachers’ experiential stories during their initial education. Aula Abierta, 50(3), 721–728. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.50.3.2021.721-728


This paper engages in a narrative inquiry as narrative pedagogy into formative experiences in English teacher education curricula. These constitute sites where students’ lives unfold and are expressed through co-composed texts negotiating meanings of their storied experiences. As authors and participant researchers, we embrace a curricular ontology of becoming and feeling with 24 undergraduates in the context of their initial English-language teacher education in an Argentinean state university. Our research question concerns the ways in which our students’ narratives on good teaching become intertwined and emplotted during their education. We define curriculum as a co-construction whose protagonists generate personal practical knowledge. It deserves ontological care, epistemological respect, and engagement in relational ethics manifested in curricular sensitivity towards storied lives and experiences. Narrative inquiry as narrative pedagogy allowed us to interweave narrative strands about good teaching expressed in the 24 students’ co-narrated stories. Embodied understandings about living, and knowing about, good teaching emerge from these storied threads. We conclude by discussing the implications of our narratives as they publicly retrieve intimate, often silenced, experiences about the meanings of good teaching in initial formation curricula.

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