Objects and materials in early childhood education: stories that are collected, lived and prompted
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creación curricular
materiales escolares
educación infantil
documentación pedagógica
indagación narrativa curriculum-making
school materials
early childhood education
pedagogical documentation
narrative inquiry

How to Cite

Sendra Mocholí, C. ., & Arbiol Gonzalez, C. (2021). Objects and materials in early childhood education: stories that are collected, lived and prompted. Aula Abierta, 50(3), 689–696. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.50.3.2021.689-696


In this paper we aim to present the early childhood education classroom as a space and a time of collected, lived and prompted stories. This text is the result of a study conducted in a state school located in a village near (Valencia). It is a singular school, for it is situated in a nature park, where time seems to decelerate. For two school years, we have been alongside teachers and children in two classrooms of ages 5 and 3 respectively. Our investigation – which is of narrative character – explores from different points of view the curriculum-making processes observed in the classrooms. In our observation practice, we gather threads with which to connect stories that show how the curriculum is created within the school. In this paper we will explore one of these threads of our study: the role materials play in the life of the classroom, the way in which certain objects (books, natural elements, photographs…) connect the life of the classroom to the life of the children and their family stories, and how, when teachers embrace these materials and give them a space, new stories to be experienced spring up.

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