Emotional difficulties and support of migrant students: a case study in a multicultural secondary school
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educación emocional
educación intercultural
necesidades adolescence
emotional education
intercultural education

How to Cite

Ceballos Vacas, E., & Trujillo-González, E. (2021). Emotional difficulties and support of migrant students: a case study in a multicultural secondary school. Aula Abierta, 50(4), 767–776. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.50.4.2021.767-776


This paper describes a case study on a School of Compulsory Secondary Education, characterized by its high multiculturalism. Interviews to agents of the educational context (16 key informants: eight from the teaching staff, two from the educational community, four from the students and two from the families) were carried out to explore the emotional difficulties of migrant students and the support received. In addition, key documents (PEC: Educational School Project and PGA: Annual General Programming) were analyzed. The main difficulties perceived for migrant students were the migratory experience, conflicts regarding the gender role of Western women and belonging to segregated groups; followed by lack of knowledge of the language, lack of involvement in the school-family relationship and neglect of families towards their children and, to a lesser extent, social discrimination. Likewise, as emotional supports, were found intercultural and emotional education and the school reception of migrant students. As well as, to a lesser extent, the supervision and school support of the family and the promotion of the school-family relationship. The school culture of caring for students and their families and the training needs of teachers in intercultural and emotional skills and in relation to migrant families are highlighted.

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