Intervention programs for parents are increasingly relevant when it comes to promoting, preventing and treating mental health in adolescents, in terms of the responsibility of supporting their children in the development of skills for a functional and successful adulthood. Therefore, the present research focuses on the training of parents of this group considered important but vulnerable, because they are the ones who require the necessary tools to guide in this stage of physical, emotional and social changes, but also characterized by insecurities and challenges. Hence the importance of this study, whose objective is to apply and determine the effectiveness of the Program for the Development of Emotional, Educational and Parental Competences (Martínez González, 2009) in parents and mothers with adolescent children in the city of Loja, Ecuador .
The program achieves significant differences obtained in five of the six dimensions evaluated and intervened, within the experimental group (pre-post), as well as significant differences between the experimental group and the control group. Regarding the improvement of the dimensions, most of the parents claim to have developed better competencies in all the dimensions analyzed, for example, one that obtains the greatest perception of improvement is self-esteem and assertiveness (80.6%), and it made it possible to strengthen their confidence in themselves as parents.
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