This systematic review investigates the current state of research on Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) and its implications for (EMI) Higher Education. The study employs a methodology based on an evidence-informed and theoretically credible framework to answer two research questions: (1) What studies of relevance to (EMI) Higher Education have been published thus far, considering the most recent developments of GenAI? and (2) Which key areas are currently lacking in extant literature and in need of further scholarly exploration in this regard in (EMI) Higher Education research? The results of the study reveal a limited number of pertinent publications, indicating a sparse scholarly landscape with a dearth of work on the implications of Generative AI in EMI Higher Education. Based on these findings, preliminary recommendations have been made to guide future research in this area. This study contributes to the literature by highlighting the need for further research on the potential of GenAI to enhance the teaching and learning experience in (EMI) Higher Education and provides a theoretical framework to guide future research. These findings may inform researchers and educators interested in exploring how GenAI may be leveraged from different educational perspectives.
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