The perception of the learner about his/her competency development in a EFL gamified learning situation
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key competences
lifelong learning
learning situation
gamification competencias clave
aprendizaje permanente
situación de aprendizaje

How to Cite

Francisco Déniz, S. D., & García Pérez, D. (2023). The perception of the learner about his/her competency development in a EFL gamified learning situation . Aula Abierta, 52(4), 389–399.


The main purpose of this article is to present the results obtained regarding two satisfaction surveys, initial and final, used in the implementation of a gamified learning situation, based on the use of the MDA model (Mechanics, Dynamics, Aesthetics), in EFL in a school in Tenerife. The target groups are from sixth grade of primary education. In both surveys, the aim was to measure the treatment and development of the key competences (literacy and multilingual; digital, citizenship; and personal, social and learning to learn), before and after the implementation of the learning situation took place, from the pupils’ perspective. Later on, the results will be analyzed and discussed regarding the key competences development, the fulfillment of the integrated learning objectives as well as the level of motivation and fun perceived by the learners. To conclude, in contrast with the theoretical framework, the most positive and significant results will be addressed and the possible improvements for further research will be pointed out.
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